Web Developer &
App Development
Professional Development
Experienced web developer available for bespoke web, app, game & software development. Available for short term contract work, support contracts and consultations.
I can deliver…
Full bespoke software solutions that fit your business needs.
WordPress plugins that integrate seamlessly with your existing WordPress site.
Magento modules that provide bespoke functionality to your e-commerce store.
Experienced in many web developer Technologies.
I have been coding for nearly 4 decades, starting on a Spectrum, and started web development on a 28k modem.
I built some of the very first e-commerce stores, years before e-commerce platforms existed and every aspect had to be coded from scratch.
Web CMS & E-commerce software
Coding Languages
JavaScript (JS), Typescript, PHP, Solidity, C#, Rust
Web Technologies
I have used many web and software development tools and technologies.
- Javascript frameworks: React, Vue, Redux, MobX, Web3, Three.Js, RxJs, Underscore, Radash.
- Pre processors: Jade, Stylus, Sass, Typescript, Babel.
- Version & Source control: Github.
- API Development: GraphQL, Apollo, Prisma, Restify, Swagger, JWT, oAuth.
- Build systems: Grunt, Gulp, Browserify, Webpack & Parcel.
- Servers: Apache, IIS, Nginx, Express.
- Databases: MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Amazon RDS & Dynamo DB.
- Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
- APIs: Node.js, Clerk, Auth0
- Cloud Services: AWS Amazon Web Services, Heroku, Firebase
- 3D: Unity, Blender, Three.JS